What Is It?

For patients who need frequent and ongoing access to a blood vessel, the radiologists at Advanced Radiology are able to place a vascular device—called a catheter, line or port—into the blood vessel. This makes it easy to draw blood when necessary and to administer nutrient or medical treatments directly into the blood stream. Vascular access is needed for patients receiving kidney dialysis or cancer chemotherapy. Some devices are implanted entirely under the skin, while others have an external access point. Having central venous access avoids repeated needle punctures.

The radiologists at Advanced Radiology will use imaging techniques to guide the placement of your central venous access device.

How Is It Treated?

This is an outpatient procedure and you can resume normal activities immediately after you are released.

How Do I Prep For The Procedure?

We use local anesthetic—no sedation.

Patients do not have to fast. No aspirin or blood thinners to be taken 5 days prior to the procedure.

What Happens After The Procedure?

Patients will receive instructions on catheter care, including hygiene practices and monitoring for signs of infection or complications. Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to ensure the proper functioning of the central venous access and address any concerns.

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1055 Post Road
Fairfield, CT 06824
Fax 203.380.3252

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